is the english frontpage of the webpage you are visiting right now. is the promotion webpage for a new book about worldwide landownership:
„The largest landowner on earth is revealed in Mainstream’s new book Who Owns the World.
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The estimate of her landholdings, which have immense political, legal and economic implications appear in Kevin Cahill’s new book Who Owns the World, published by Mainstream on November 2nd. The book examines land ownership in each one of the world’s 197 states or countries and 66 major territories, the first such survey ever attempted.
In Part – 1 we are given an indepth examination of landownership from the beginning of history to the present day. This provides estimates of the land owned by the Papacy, the Islamic Mosque trusts and the Buddhist and Hindu religions (Chapter 5). It examines the land holdings of the 26 largest landholders on earth (Chapter 3), and how 60% of Europe is owned by the aristocracy, who also get 60% of the EU annual agricultural subsidy of €48,000 million (Chapter 4)
Part – 2 examines land ownership in each one of the world’s 197 states or countries and 66 major territories, with a page for each country and territory.