„Water Democracy: Reclaiming Public Water in Asia“ is a compilation of 19 new essays written by civil society activists, trade unionists and other water practitioners. The essays show that the privatization wave has far from come to a halt in Asia: from India and Indonesia to Japan and South Korea (where public water delivery has been very successful), neoliberal governments promote privatisation as the way forward. At the same time the essay collection also highlights a very different trend: democratisation and other progressive reforms of public water management are gaining ground in Asia, providing an attractive alternative to privatisation.„Water Democracy: Reclaiming Public Water in Asia“ ist ein Sammelband mit 19 neuen Essays von Aktivisten, Gewerkschaftern und Wasser-Praktikern. Er zeichnet die Privatisierungswelle durch Asien nach und weist auf einen weiteren Trend hin: Demokratisierung des Wassermanagements als Alternative zur Privatisierung.
It’s not only Asia – it’s the whole world, of course. If every person would experience water in her/his life as the bliss it is, perhaps we could hinder the commercial exploitation of water sources.
Alexa Fleckenstein M.D.
Author of „Health20 – Tapping into the Healing Power of Water“, McGraw Hill 2007.