Zu Telekommunikation und Internet siehe etwa: Scott J. Wallsten: Telecommunications Privatization in Developing Countries: The Real Effects of Exclusivity Periods (Stanford 2000) [pdf] und Rob MAc Nary: The Network Penetration Effects of Telecommunications Privatization and Competition.
Exzellent und originär die Studie von Brett Frischmann: Privatization and Commercialization of the Internet: Rethinking Market Intervention into Government and Governement Intervention into the Market [pdf].
Daran schliesst unmittelbar an die ebenso gute Studie von Jay P. Kesan, Rajiv C. Shah: Fool us Once Shame on You – Fool us Twice Shame on Us: What we Can Learn From the Privatizations of the Internet Backbone Network and the Domain Name System [pdf].